Berenice Langson


Berenice immigrated from South Africa to New Zealand in November 2001. In 2014 she accepted a role as Volunteer Coordinator at IHC New Zealand, later sharing the role as National Team Leader and was based in the North Shore, Auckland. In April 2019 her colleague resigned in Tauranga and she leaped at the opportunity to apply for a transfer. She considers herself fortunate to be in current role and live in the city she loves.

Berenice has an extensive background working with volunteers and worked with various Not for Profits and NGO’s over the past 25 years.
She has worked in a variety of roles from Public Relations and Advocacy Coordinator at the Cancer Association, Managing Safe2Go (New Zealand’s Child Restraints Programme) and reported directly to its funders ACC, LTNZ and the Board.

In recent years Berenice’s career included volunteer leadership coordination roles at Hospice West Auckland and Heart Kids New Zealand.
One of her greatest achievements was being the recipient of the Inaugural Volunteer Engagement Award in 2018. This Award offered by Volunteering Auckland, is in recognition of ‘Outstanding Leaders in Volunteer Engagement’.

Berenice’s passion lies in making a positive difference in the communities that she serves. She is eager to assist VolBOP with its Community Development Projects and is happy to be aligned with a non-profit organisation that is forward-thinking, community focused and that advocates for Volunteering.